Freeman Mendell

                    Consulting services:

1. Business Continuity Planning and Training

2. Project Management

3. Political Campaign Advisor

4. I.T Turnaround


EDUCATION:    B.A.  University of Houston, Houston, TX

                        M.A.  University of Houston, Houston, TX

Certifications:   Certified Information Systems Auditor, 1999

                        Certified Computer Crime Investigator, 2001

                        Certified in Disaster Recovery by the State of Texas 2001

                        NSA-IAM National Security Agency – Information Security Assessment Methodology 2003

State of Texas Licensed Property & Inland Marine Insurance Adjuster, 1993 – 2004

Department of Homeland Security, Center for Domestic Preparedness, Certified WMD Instructor 2006  

Awards:            UHCL - Presented with the University of Houston Clear Lake Leadership Award for 2003. This award is only given when the University feels it has a candidate who has demonstrated leadership for the University. It is awarded no more often than annually. In 2003 primarily responsible for setting up two endowments at the University Of Houston Clear Lake. Each endowment generates a scholarship for a student majoring in Information Systems or Information Security.

 FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation Exceptional Service in the Public Interest award 2011

 FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation Exceptional Service in the Public Interest award 2005

Galveston County Sheriff’s Office – Certificate of Appreciation for many years of loyal dedicated service to the citizens of Galveston County and the employees of the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office. August 8, 2011


Education:        Attended Specialized Training in the FBI approach to Computer Crime Investigations taught by FBI Special Agents.

                        Graduate of the FBI Citizens Academy 2003

                        Graduate of Galveston County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Academy 2011

Activities:         Past Board member of InfraGard National Members’ Alliance (one of seven elected board members of a 50,000 member national organization) for 4 years. Served as Treasurer for 2 years

                        Past President of the Houston InfraGard Chapter.  Served on the board of the Houston InfraGard Chapter from 2002 – 2006. Past Treasurer.
(InfraGard is a partnership between the FBI, educational institutions, local government and Industry to educate its members on infrastructure protection, computer security and crime issues.)

                        Graduate of the FBI Citizens Academy 2003

                        Graduate of Galveston County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Academy 2011

                        Held the office of Vice President of the Houston ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) Chapter.
Served on the board of the Houston ISACA Chapter from 2001 – 2009. 

                        Guest Lecturer at the UHCL in Business Continuity Planning.

                        Member of Advisory Panel for the School of Accounting  at UHCL.

                        Taught CISA candidate classes in 2004 and 2005 in Business Continuity Planning for the Houston ISACA Chapter.

                        Served on the Fusion Center Guidelines Panel for the Department of Homeland Security.. The panel met in Washington DC to formulate the guidelines for the Fusion Centers being stood up in all 50 states by DHS. The Fusion Centers are partnerships between the State Police, Federal agencies and private sector companies to gather intelligence information for Homeland Security. The Centers are run by the State Police in each state.