Lindy's Square Foot Gardening


This is based on the book Square Foot Gardening my Mel Bartholomew





    The squares are 4 foot square. The smaller squares are one foot square. The mixture is weed block on the bottom, Peat Moss, Vermiculite and Compost. One 4 x 4 block produces salad for one person for everyday of the growing season. One more 4 x 4 will supply daily supper vegetables for that person through the growing season. The third 4 x 4 will provide extra for preserving, etc.

Currently planted (April 2009)

  1. Onions - red, white yellow

  2. Green beans

  3. Lettuce 3 varieties

  4. Broccoli

  5. Collards

  6. Jalapeņos

  7. Eggplant

  8. Garlic

  9. Parsley

  10. Basil

  11. Chives

  12. Swiss Chard


  1. Tomatoes

  2. Cucumbers

  3. Black eyed peas

  4. Beets

  5. Arugula